Inspiring Future, Grand Challenge

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GCO3003 글로벌융합현장실습3 3 6 전공 학사 글로벌융합학부 - No
전공학습을 통해 습득한 지식을 적용할 수 있는 능력을 갖추기위하여 관심분야 현장에서 갖는 실습강좌 (5주 이상)
GCO3004 글로벌융합현장실습4 6 12 전공 학사 - No
전공학습을 통해 습득한 지식을 적용할 수 있는 능력을 갖추기 위하여 관심 분야 현장에서 갖는 실습강좌 (9주간 이상)
GCO3004 글로벌융합현장실습4 6 12 전공 학사 글로벌융합학부 - No
전공학습을 통해 습득한 지식을 적용할 수 있는 능력을 갖추기 위하여 관심 분야 현장에서 갖는 실습강좌 (9주간 이상)
GCO3005 글로벌융합학부캡스톤프로젝트 3 6 전공 학사 Yes
본수업에서는인공지능의활용, 데이터사이언스의 활용, 컬쳐 앤 테크놀로지를주제로팀프로젝트를수행합니다.수강신청에앞서반드시담당교강사와주제를먼저상담해야하고,학생의관심주제와교강사의지도주제가잘부합될때수강하도록합니다.본연구의주요결과물은인공지능, 데이터사이언스, 컬쳐 앤 테크놀로지를활용한서비스/시스템개발,관련작품의프로토타입제작,논문작성,오픈소프트웨어출시를목표로합니다.
GCO3005 글로벌융합학부캡스톤프로젝트 3 6 전공 학사 글로벌융합학부 Yes
본수업에서는인공지능의활용, 데이터사이언스의 활용, 컬쳐 앤 테크놀로지를주제로팀프로젝트를수행합니다.수강신청에앞서반드시담당교강사와주제를먼저상담해야하고,학생의관심주제와교강사의지도주제가잘부합될때수강하도록합니다.본연구의주요결과물은인공지능, 데이터사이언스, 컬쳐 앤 테크놀로지를활용한서비스/시스템개발,관련작품의프로토타입제작,논문작성,오픈소프트웨어출시를목표로합니다.
GCO3006 융합전공의진로설계와역량계발 3 6 전공 학사 3-4 - No
융합전공의 경우 방법론적, 기술적 역량(skill set)을 갖췄다는 장점이 있지만, 의식적으로 이론적 기반을 갖추지 않으면 자칫 기술만 갖춘 인재가되기 쉽다. 성균관대의 강한 인문적 전통의 기반 위에 방법론적 수월성과 이론적 깊이를 갖춘 인재로 성장하게 되면, 어떤 경력을 추구할 수 있는지 배우고 그러한 경력에 필요한 기초 역량을 함양한다.
GCO3006 융합전공의진로설계와역량계발 3 6 전공 학사 3-4 글로벌융합학부 - No
융합전공의 경우 방법론적, 기술적 역량(skill set)을 갖췄다는 장점이 있지만, 의식적으로 이론적 기반을 갖추지 않으면 자칫 기술만 갖춘 인재가되기 쉽다. 성균관대의 강한 인문적 전통의 기반 위에 방법론적 수월성과 이론적 깊이를 갖춘 인재로 성장하게 되면, 어떤 경력을 추구할 수 있는지 배우고 그러한 경력에 필요한 기초 역량을 함양한다.
GER3025 독어학개론II 3 6 전공 학사 3-4 독어독문학과 Yes
독어학개론 II에서는 독어학개론 I에 이어서 독일어의미론,화용론및역사언어학을 체계적으로 살펴보는 한편 언어사용과 관련되는 응용언어학 제 분야를 간략하게 개괄한다.
HAI7001 인간AI인터랙션캡스톤프로젝트 3 6 전공 학사/석사/박사 2-8 인간AI인터랙션융합전공 Yes
대학원 수준에서 아직 해결되지 않은 거대 문제 또는 장기 미제에 도전하는 프로젝트기반 수업으로 지도교수의 일 대 일 밀착 지도를 통해 학생과 교원, 그리고 인공지능이 해당 문제에 대하여 깊은 이해를 갖고 학술적, 공학적, 인터랙션 측면의 솔루션을 찾기위한 과정을 중시한다. 학기 초에는 문제의 발굴과 정의, 중기에는 관련 정보의 수집 및 분석, 기말에는 해결을 위한 방안의 모색을 주로 다룬다.
ISS3070 Climate Change: Science, Technology and Policy 3 6 전공 학사 1-4 국제하계대학 Yes
기후변화와 관련된 사안과 그에 따른 과학기술, 정책의 변화에 대해 살펴보는 것을 본 과목의 목표로 한다. 학생들의 적극적 참여가 요구되며 기후변화에 대한 정치적, 사회적, 경제적, 과학적 등 다각적인 이해를 도모하도록 한다.
ISS3090 Technology, Society and Sustainability 3 6 전공 학사 1-4 국제하계대학 Yes
기술과 사회가 서로 어떤 영향을 미치며 어떻게 성장해왔는지를 배워, 이를 바탕으로 앞으로 우리의 기술과 사회를 어떻게 지속 가능하도록 유지하고 발전시켜나갈 것인지를 토의해본다.
ISS3183 Human Computer Interaction 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
This course covers the basic concepts, fundamental theories and current researches in humancomputer interaction. Topics include principles, theories, methodologies, design, implementation, evaluation and research in computer interfaces. The objectives of this course are:  to familiarize students with basic concepts of human computer interaction;  to introduce students to theories and principles in computer interface design;  to develop students’ ability to design, conduct and analyze user studies for computer software; and  to provide students with the knowledge of the design process for user interfaces.
ISS3198 Artificial Intelligence 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
This course aims to teach the fundamentals of artificial intelligence starting with the concepts of intelligence, rationality and intelligent agents. Next, it will probe into problem solving, introducing the notion of search by drawing examples from puzzles and games amongst others. Then, the basics of knowledge representation and reasoning, such as logic and planning will be explored. Machine learning, a fast growing subfield of A.I. will also be covered focusing on technologies and real-world applications such as games, biomedical applications, social networks and smart technologies. Further topics (time-permitting) include the impact of major A.I. areas such as robotics and computer vision, natural language and speech processing in our society today. This is an introductory course and would be suitable for anyone interested to delve deeper into A.I. in the near future. Students will be given assignments that do not require any programming.
ISS3217 Business Analytics 3 6 전공 학사 1-4 국제하계대학 Yes
This course will provide students with an introduction to business analytics. This course will change the way you think about data and its role in business. We will examine how data analysis technologies can be used to improve decision-making. We will study the fundamental principles and techniques of business analytics, and will examine real-world examples and cases to place datamining techniques in context and to develop business analytic thinking.
ISS3219 Digital Marketing 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
The goal of this course is to provide insights on how modern industry is adopting new emerging media and technologies as marketing tools. In a digital sphere, modern consumers go through the stages of awareness, intent, conversion and finally retention. The course will focus on how digital media have revolutionized the interactions between firms and consumers along this journey. New technologies offer powerful tools to reach consumers along the funnel: online display ads raise awareness, search listings reach consumers with intent, e-commerce facilitate conversion, and social medial both energizes and retains customers.
ISS3220 Consumer Behavior 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
The goal of this course is to provide 1) an understanding of the dynamics that underlie consumer behavior (CB) and the factors that influence these dynamics, and 2) experience in extending beyond knowing and understanding to applying said knowledge. For many aspects of the course experience, the guiding question will be: “How could you apply the concepts and principles form assigned reading to develop, improve, package or promote your product/service/issue in a way likely to impact positively upon consumers’ mental states and/or behavior? ”
ISS3222 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
Covers fundamental concepts for intelligent systems that autonomously learn to perform a task and improve with experience, including problem formulations (e.g., selecting input features and outputs) and learning frameworks (e.g., supervised vs. unsupervised), standard models, methods, computational tools, algorithms and modern techniques, as well as methodologies to evaluate learning ability and to automatically select optimal models. Applications to areas such as computer vision (e.g., characte r and digit recognition), natural language processing (e.g., spam filtering) and robotics (e.g., navigating complex environments) will motivate the coursework and material.
ISS3224 Data Visualization 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
This course explores the field of data visualization. Topics cover the expanse of visualization from data preparation and cleaning to visualization types such as time series, box plots, and violin plots. Included in our study are visualization tools, online interactive visualizations, and other issues related to the display of big data.
ISS3233 Statistics in Python 3 6 전공 학사 1-4 국제하계대학 Yes
This course will cover elementary topics in statistics using Python. The statistics topics include principles of sampling, descriptive statistics, binomial and normal distributions, sampling distributions, point and confidence interval estimation, hypothesis testing, two sample inference, linear regression, and categorical data analysis. Using Python, students will learn basic knowledge in Python programming, data management, data formats and types, statistical graphics and exploratory data analysis, and basic functions for statistical modeling and inference.
ISS3234 Introduction to Social Problems 3 6 전공 학사 1-4 국제하계대학 Yes
This course discusses various social problems in society, examines factors associated with these problems, and explores possible solutions. The course are organized into three main parts: 1) understand social problems from multiple perspectives, 2) brainstorm possible solutions to address social problems, 3) explore possible ways to conduct a research project. In order to achieve these leaning objectives, the course will meet daily as a seminar, along with class activities in which each member will have opportunities for contributing to the purpose of each session through prepared, active participation.
ISS3266 Digital Strategies in Media and Communication 3 6 전공 학사 1-4 국제하계대학 Yes
This course presents a clear overview of the digital media strategies for business and offers opportunities for acquiring analytical skills of performing integrated strategic communication (ISC) functions in digital environments. Topics coveredinclude search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, email marketing, big data, digital/social media analytics, social media management, content strategies, and mobile marketing. Through online module sessions, class assignments, discussions, andsimulation project, students will be able to implement an integrated digital media campaign. Attention will also be given to working knowledge of the digital analytics tools for creating, managing, executing, and evaluating digital strategies
ISS3286 The Foundations of Entrepreneurship 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
This class is an introductory course intended to provide students with a solid foundation in terms of the vital role played by entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in the 21st century global economy. Entrepreneurship is approached as a way of thinking and acting, as an attitude and a behavior. Our emphasis is on entrepreneurship as a manageable process that can be applied in virtually any organizational setting. Our principal focus will be on the creation of new ventures, the ways that they come into being, and factors associated with their success.
ISS3287 Understanding Game Theory 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
This course is intended to familiarize economics majors with game theory and its applications. It first considers how to set up and solve games. It then considers topics such as strategic entry deterrence, strategic choice of managerial incentives, games between a principal and an agent, auctions, bargaining, strategic trade policy, public goods, and club goods.
ISS3290 Introduction to Big Data Analysis 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
Understand the genesis of Big Data Systems • Understand practical knowledge of Big Data Analysis using Hive, Pig, Sqoop • Provide the student with a detailed understanding of effective behavioral and technical techniques in Cloud Computing on Big Data • Demonstrate knowledge of Big Data in industry and its Architecture • Learn data analysis, modeling and visualization in Big Data systems
ISS3295 Information Organizations and Management 3 6 전공 학사 1-4 국제하계대학 Yes
As they respond to the information needs of users and communities, information organizations face complex and exciting challenges. This course will help prepare students to take on these challenges by providing them with opportunities to read, discuss, interact with experts in the professions, and engage in field work to gain an understanding of the organizations and environments in which information professionals work. During the course students will learn about the traditional and emerging professional roles and the required management and leadership responsibilities. This knowledge will help students understand the similarities and differences among information organizations, explore the influence of new technologies, different specializations and career paths, apply professional values to ethical decision-making, and observe core management and leadership skills. This course prepares students to be active participants in their professional communities and networks and to become collaborative professionals ready to take on management and leadership roles. Throughout this interactive course students will participate in classroom activities, hear from local experts, and visit local information organizations for first-hand experiences.
ISS3296 Cultural Contents and Natural Language Processing 3 6 전공 학사 1-4 국제하계대학 Yes
This course focuses on Natural Language Processing(NLP) methods in cultural contents industry, such as movie, drama, music, and webtoon industry. This course aims to understand the importance of linguistic data analysis in developing cultural content services and learn basic techniques of natural language processing. Students will attempt to understand human(user/consumer) by analyzing their linguistic data and then develop human-centered services, such as personalized recommendation systems and culture-specific marketing strategies. In this course, students will get a chance to practice basic Python grammars and NLP tools in class. The class will be conducted on the assumption that all students will have little (or no) prior knowledge of linguistics and programming.
ISS3298 Emerging Future: Technology Issues and Trends 3 6 전공 학사 1-4 국제하계대학 Yes
Are you going to be prepared to meet the rapid technology challenges and changes that will impact your professional and personal lives? The Emerging Future: Technology Issues and Trends course will provide you with the skills to plan strategically for the changing technological landscape. The highly interactive course design enables you to participate in forecasting activities through readings, video presentations, guest lectures, introductions to today’s futurists, and individual research. Throughout the course we will examine many forecasting techniques and methods that you can use as an information professional. You will become immersed in the literature and practices of current technological futurists and emerging technologies, gain skills to plan strategically for the changing technological landscape, and create a multi-media presentation or infographic that focuses on a new technological area that can impact the future.
LIS2005 정보학개론 3 6 전공 학사 2-3 문헌정보학과 - No
정보의 성질, 행동, 유통현상,정보관리의 필요성, 내용, 문제점 및 과제를 고찰하고 정보시스템의 분석, 설계 및 운용방법을 개관한다.
LIS2007 정보검색론 3 6 전공 학사 2-3 문헌정보학과 Yes
정보의 축적 및 검색원리, 분류 및 색인 방법, 검색 언어 및 효율, 전산기의 이용 등을 다룬다.
LIS2008 정보행위론 3 6 전공 학사 2-3 문헌정보학과 - No
인지적_심리적 측면의 정보행위를 이해하기 위한 제이론 및 통합적 접근방법을 제시하고, 정보서비스와 시스템 개발에 적용하는 기법을 검토한다.